Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Safety Surrender

We in India know about the low birth rate amongst females in our country and apart from this we know about the countless atrocities that are committed against them almost every minute. It is happening as I write this and you are reading this very blog. We talk ponder debate and yet again talk about it but do not take any particular course of action to rectify this. 

Capt. Bharat Verma wrote in an article in the Indian Defense review that we Indian by nature are very possessive about the material things in our life. He goes on to explain how many Indian authors are writing about the current conflict in Kashmir and are proposing a solution by probably seceding of Kashmir but how they would sing a different tune if it is their own property that was on the chopping block. I can totally relate this particular statement to what I am trying to articulate. 

There are many atrocities that are committed against the weaker sections of the society the most against babies who are definitely the most defenseless and weakest section of the society. It brings a tear to my eye when I read about such article in the paper and tears my heart out that I am not able to do anything about it today. 

This lead me to do a research on the vast ocean that is the internet and it lead me to read about an article on the New York Times about a clinic in Los Angeles have volunteered their time where by their able to bring together the abandoned babies and the homes which are in the needs of a baby. They collect babies from homes which do not want them and bring the to foster services which takes them to homes that would provide them with love and affection. 

This can be one of the options from which the Indian authorities can gain Inspiration but for such a situation to exists in a country like ours we have to do away with the corruptions that exists at all levels in our country which has become a way of life in our country 

We should strive to do something about it

Monday, September 8, 2008

What Dhirubhai would have done ?????????/

For the uninitiated Dhirubhai Ambani was the man who grew up from rags to the richest man on Indian soil during his lifetime. The way he did is indeed debatable but one must admire the guts that were shown by a uneducated man from some backward part of Gujarat to take on the might of the government and the establishment to achieve greatness.

 The current Singur issue were a ragtag group of wanabee politician and a group of villagers are putting to hold a 1500 crore project just shames me to the fact that a business man who is supposed to be ruthless and downright dirty is issuing statements to the press that he is not happy about the course of action that is being taken. 

I am sorry Mr. Tata I believe it is your Ivy League education that is stunting your entrepreneurial Skills. Sir you were born into wealth that is akin to royalty in this country but you are not using all the advantageous that comes with such a position. 

If I were you there were two courses of action I would have taken 

1 Eliminate any perceived notion of opposition even before they crop up or swat them when they are the size of an ant and not allow them to grow up to be an ant hill one way or the other (I hope I do not have to mention any methods as I believe you to be a smart man with all your ivy league education or is that all a farce) 

2 Or move to a more conducive atmosphere where your plans dreams ambitions hopes can take flight 

When I invested my hard earned money into your organization I did not based on any market study or an investment group study I did it on the grounds of your SURNAME and your promise of rolling out the Nano soon enough which I believe with all my heart has real potential. 

I believe you and the Tata organization are not answerable to a bunch of ragtag politicians who believe the are the next Che Gureva ( I can guarantee that his soul is turning over in his grave) or to a partying power in that particular state whose main aim is anti development but Sir you are answerable to small shareholders like me who have sunk in their hard earned money believing you and your ambition. 

I think it is time to come out the façade of Gentleman and be a man with cojones ( Spanish for “balls” ) and take a real decision 

Something to think about ya Ratan 



P.S – For inspiration think what Dhirubhai would have done in such a situation

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is Love really blind


I had once taken the girl I had been seeing for a very long time to meet my father. This is the conversation we struck up after she had left.


F : you are a very lucky young man


M : How do you say that ?


F You have really found somebody who loves for who you really are


M : That is impossible I have been seeing her for quite a long time albeit that I do not   

       think that real love exists in today’s world probably it did in your times   


He further Chided me and said that


F : The color of her eyes stays blue when you are in the room but turns to grey when you  

      leave the room.                                       


M : I said that is downright BS


F : Have you seen the color of her eyes when you leave the room



I Am Back Baby

These Words were said by Matt Le Blanc on the popular teleseries "Friends"

I Feel today these words were said by him to repeat by me today.

I have reinvented myself and Back with a bang

Cherio Chari